Blockchain, News

RebelDot becomes the first software development company to accept crypto payment in Romania.

Cluj-Napoca, 7 DECEMBER 2018- Starting January 2019, RebelDot clients will be able to pay their invoices in cryptocurrency – making the company the first in the nation to officially accept crypto payments.

‘’We always strive to come up with new ideas and be the ones starting regional trends, thus the decision to accept cryptocurrency starting January is simply solidifying our beliefs. As such, this new payment method will helps us be even more flexible for our clients. The internal process to put this plan in motion was heavily analyzed and we’ve looked at both market trends and the legal context of Romania. Accepting crypto payments is a natural next step for us, as in 2018 we integrated blockchain technology (which is at the core of cryptocurrencies) into the strategic direction of RebelDot.“ says Tudor Ciuleanu, RebelDot CEO.

According to Forbes from April 11th , the market cap for all cryptocurrencies grew to $565.1 billion in 2017 and was expected to reach over $1 trillion by 2018.

“Although the crypto market has decreased steadily this year, the potential of crypto is still there, it’s only a matter of timing. As a result, I believe it’s a good moment to consider the crypto market and blockchain technology as a strategic move for every company.’’ mentions Tudor Ciuleanu, RebelDot CEO.


At a local level, according to a study ran by  Norstat, 1 out of 10 Romanians say they have already bought cryptocurrencies and 1 out of 3 are planning to buy some soon. In terms of the specific cryptocurrencies, 72% of the people surveyed mentioned that they own Bitcoin, 29% own Ethereum and only 14% own Ripple.

‘’We were all surprised when, a few years ago, there was an article saying that Romania is in top 5 countries around the world regarding internet connection. Now, according to the study realized by Norstat we’ve managed to reach again the top but this time the subject is cryptocurrencies. We are in top 10 countries around the world when it comes to the percentage of population that own cryptocurrencies (1 out of 10 Romanians). I think this is a good sign for Romania and it shows once again that Romanians are brave people, willing to embrace challenges. ‘’ added Tudor Ciuleanu, CEO of RebelDot.

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The RebelDot

The RebelDot

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